BH: Which is your favourite hotel in the whole world?
B: I tend to go for the location.
BH: What's the naughtiest thing you've ever done in a hotel?
B: Got dirty in the shower with a guy in New Zealand
BH: Where is your dream holiday destination?
B: Somewhere warm with a nude beach and flat surf
BH: Full English or continental?
B: Bacon, eggs, toast, grilled tomatoes & coffee
BH: Who would you most like to share a hotel room with?
B: Bob Hoskins
BH: What's your first choice from the mini-bar?
B: The chocolate
BH: What do you love most about staying in hotels?
B: It’s a chance to get away
BH: If you could order anything from the BearHotel room service right now what would it be?
B: A good steak and vegetables, sparkling water, French vanilla icecream with a chocolate ice cap - all delivered by Ed Asner
BH: Who would you recommend stays in BearHotel next?
B: More hairy guys
BH: What do you wear to bed?
B: Generally naked
BH: Firm or soft?
I like my men softer and hairy, my mattress medium and one decent pillow. And maybe an extra one to cuddle!
BH: Ever got off with a member of hotel staff?
B: No
BH: Stolen anything from a hotel room?
B: No! No ! No!